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FIBRO360 October Newsletter

October Edition: New Research, Lesser-Known Symptoms, Treatment Options, and Real-Life Stories

FIBRO 360 Newsletter

🍂 Welcome to the October edition of FIBRO360, your trusted source of support and information for navigating the world of fibromyalgia. As the leaves change and the air grows crisper, we find ourselves in a season of transformation. It's a time when the world around us undergoes its own shift, and sometimes, that change can echo within us, too. We understand that the craziness of recent world events can sometimes send our fibromyalgia symptoms into a whirlwind, but remember, you're not alone on this journey. In this month's newsletter, we're here to empower you, offering insights, tips, and stories of resilience to help you navigate the challenges and embrace the joys of living with fibromyalgia. So, grab a warm cup of tea, get cozy, and let's embark on this October adventure together! 🍁

Latest Research on Fibromyalgia:

- Gout Treatment and Fibromyalgia: A recent study found that one month's treatment with allopurinol, a medication typically used for gout and high levels of uric acid, significantly reduced pain in women with fibromyalgia who had not responded to other treatments.


An Unknown Symptom Associated with Fibromyalgia:

- Burning Mouth Syndrome: Some fibromyalgia patients experience a confusing symptom known as burning mouth, which can be distressing and uncomfortable.

A Novel Treatment Option for Fibromyalgia:

- Whole-body Cryotherapy: Recent findings suggest that whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) significantly reduced pain and disease activity in people with fibromyalgia. This treatment exposes the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period of time and has been gaining attention as a potential therapy for various conditions.

Featured Product Used to Treat Fibromyalgia Symptoms:

Discovering the Power of Green Light Therapy with Allay

In the quest for innovative treatments for fibromyalgia and headaches, a new solution has emerged in the form of green light therapy. The Allay Green Light device, a brainchild of Harvard migraine researcher Rami Burstein, harnesses a unique narrow band of green wavelengths to calm the brain by quieting hyperactive neurons. This patented technology has been scientifically proven to provide relief not just for migraines but also for those seeking relaxation and better sleep. Unlike traditional treatments, the Allay Green Light offers a drug-free approach with no side effects, making it a promising alternative for those battling the debilitating effects of fibromyalgia and chronic headaches. Dive into the world of green light therapy and explore how this innovative device is changing lives.


Stay updated with the latest news, research, and treatment options for fibromyalgia by subscribing to our newsletter and visiting our website regularly. Your health and well-being are our top priority!


Note: Always consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions related to treatment.


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